Wednesday 21 August 2013

The smile of new generation

TMD is becoming a common dental problem, because of stress and work pressure that people are getting at their workplace. TMD or temporomandibular disorders basically occurs due to the problem with jaw. Jaw joint and the joint muscles get disturbed; moreover it directly effects the facial expression. Do you want to lose you’re your facial beauty? Probably you don’t want.

How does it happen?
Before you caught up in this problem, I would like to make you aware about this problem so that you can’t face it in future. The temporomandibular joint is the center joint that connects the lower jaw with the skull. This temporal bone exists in front of the ear of each side of the ear. This joint provides your jaw flexibility to move up and down with ease. Without this TMJ you can’t chew, talk, and yawn. Thus the jointed muscles control the position and movement of the mouth.


The question why TMJ troubles, is unanswered yet. But Dentist Winnipeg believes that the problem occur due to the stress of the jaw or the joints itself. It may occur due to injury of the muscles of the head and neck. As if someone hits this sensitive part of the head with a rod or heavy waft that results in the disturbance of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Other symptoms may include. Other possible causes include:

  • Being habitual of grinding or clenching of the teeth or due to stress that affects TMJ

  • If the teeth are weaken or dislocated due to soft cushions

  • Stress can cause to tight the facial and jaw muscles or it can compress the teeth.

  • What are the indications of TMD?

    When TMD occurs, the patients of TMD feel severe pain and distress that may be temporary or can last for a long time. Mostly TMD affects females more than the males. TMD is suffered by the people who are between the age of 20 and 40. Common indications include,

  • Pain in jaw joint area, neck and shoulders

  • Feeling difficult to chew, talk or to open your mouth

  • Can’t open the mouth with ease

  • Sticking of jaw in open or closed mouth position

  • Feeling of clicking, popping or grating sounds, when chew something

  • Swelling over the face due to the pain in TMD

  • How Is TMD Diagnosed?
    TMD can be diagnosed easily by the dentist, Cosmetic Dentistry in this regard are keen to check your dental history and may be interested in your physical examination to determine the symptoms. It is required because the patient of TMD may be suffering from sinus problems, arthritis, or gum disease.

    For pain in temporomandibular joints, cosmetic dentist examine this area by listening the sounds of popping or grating due to jaw moment. He will also examine the facial muscle function by asking you to give motion to your jaw open or close it with ease. Your cosmetic dentist may take panoramic X-rays and face X-rays, thus enables the dentist to view the entire jaw with extreme care. Sometimes dentist may recommend you magnetic resonance imaging or a computer tomography. These tests are supportive to examine the soft tissue of the TMJ disc whether it is fixed on the right place. Or CT scan can expose the truth and can provide the dentist brief details about the bones of the mouth. Your dentist can recommend you cosmetic dentistry for treatment that are specialized and focus in the surgery of entire face, mouth and jaw area.

    1 comment:

    Renee Yurovsky said...

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