It’s very necessary to know the causes of tooth discoloration before you opt bleaching or teeth whitening process. If you find your teeth that they are getting stained or getting discolored or yellowish than it might be due to your hygiene problems. Tooth is discolored only when you do too much smoking. Sometimes stain on teeth is only appear due to excess of foods and drinks. Your dentist can tell you better what happen with your teeth. But if you think that bleaching is the only solution to get back your pearl whitening teeth back.
Can bleaching process applied on crowned, or fillings?

Normally bleaching the teeth could not be done in just one sitting, sometimes dentist Winnipeg recommends you to do it from the comfort of your home and sometimes clinical processing is required. Teeth get again discolored after sometime so bleaching is not the permanent solution for regaining healthy white teeth. In order to keep a long lasting effect of bleaching it is suggested that you should avoid the food as well as smoking that can rapidly discolor your teeth. To avoid stains it is recommended by cosmetic dentist to avoid such foods and drinks that can bring back stains. Along with this brush your teeth twice a day and make flossing your daily routine.
Who needs teeth whitening process?
Don’t need of teeth whitening process until you fall in the following categories. In case if you have sensitive teeth or gums with large cavities or filling you need whiting treatment. Sometimes due to bruxism or teeth grinding the enamel of your teeth worn out and you found the cracks in your teeth. If you have mouth sores or some kind of ulcer in your mouth then it becomes crucial to have a bleaching process.
Side effects of teeth:
Don’t bleach the teeth which are crowned, or filled or have bridges. If your dentist is not suggesting any other alternative then it is better not to apply bleaching process on your teeth. Don’t apply the prcoess on crown or filling teeth it is suggested by Cosmetic Dentist not to do it until you are sure about the color of your teeth get settled after of bleaching.
Dentist at Winnipeg always recommend you not to repeat the teeth whitening procedure after short intervals. Frequently repeating the process can harm the enamel of your teeth. To restore the pearl shine of your teeth it is suggested to get it done once in a six month.
So bleaching can prove helpful only if it is not done excessively because in that case your teeth might get sensitive or can irritate the gums. But this sensitiveness does not last long,City Centre Dentists recommend in this regard using toothpaste before and after bleaching process regularly. So having a cute smile is not so difficult, what is difficult is to maintain this smile. So you can hold it for a long time being careful.
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